Thursday, October 30, 2008

Study, Study, Study!

So here is what my life consists of lately: Study, study, study! There is so much information to learn in order to be a good nurse! My classes go really fast and if you don't stay caught up you would be completely lost! Andy has really been enjoying his classes this semester, too.  His favorite is Philosophy and he always has really interesting things to tell me that he is learning in class.  I had my last day of clinicals at the VA yesterday and we all got to leave a little early and go out to lunch at the Ram.  We still have three more weeks in the simulation lab to practice things we don't get a chance to see in clinical with the computerized mannequins.  So Monday I have to be ready to deliver a baby!  

1 comment:

Guy and Ali said...

i think you need to update your blog- possibly after finals are done.

but really, its been like a month and a half- you should update.

love you guys!!!a